Monday, January 16, 2012

How do I want to approach my reviews?

I thought about this long and hard. How will I approach these reviews (and whatever else I post)?

I thought about a rating system... 5 stars, A/B/C, 1-5... what would I use? Stars remind me of movies and restaurants, grades remind me that I am in Grad School and I just don't want to think about grades and a numerical system for predominantly written medium seems ridiculous.

Books are such personal things for me. While some of what I read would be considered crap by a "professional reviewer" it lets me escape into cheesy romance or mystery for a while. I also enjoy classic books and those considered "excellent" by others.

I have decided that I will offer a plot summary (Lit) and my thoughts about it (Flit). This will allow you to make up your own mind about its "rating". What may make a book a 5-star, A+, 5 super star to me, may make you run screaming (and vice versa).

Thanks for reading and PLEASE, join my blog and feel free to comment!


Unknown said...

I like the way you decided to rate your reviews. I couldn't wrap my head around a star rating system either because, as you said, even fluff books serve their purposes. Who am I to try to compare Bridget Jones' Diary to Gatsby? But I love them both :)

DawnZ said...

Thanks Steph! I just don't want to make up someone's mind for them. Many folks looking at my Goodreads list would probably scream at some of what I read and how I "rated" it. But, since I am doing this for me and not the universe...

I really appreciated your comment, it validated my choice (and it was a hard decision to make for sure).