Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Giants vs. Patriots

Giants vs. Patriots.... no, not the Superbowl... books!

I thought since we know the match-up, I would have a little fun!

Books with or about GIANTS:

Neil Gaiman: Odd and the Frost Giants

JK Rowling: Harry Potter Series

Hilary Mantel: The Giant, O'Brien

Books with or about PATRIOTS:

Gary L. Blackwood: The Year of the Hangman

L.M. Elliott: Annie, Between the States

Gary D. Schmidt: Lizzy Bright and the Buckminster Boy

And just in case you really wanted football books...

Michael M. Lewis: The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game

Catherine Gilbert Murdock: Dairy Queen

Carl Deuker: Payback Time


Unknown said...

Love this post! I think I have to go with the "Giants" (can't get enough of Neil Gaiman!). :)

DawnZ said...

@Intricate Knot, Thanks!I had quite a good time creating this one...now back to reading for school!